Heading to Regent’s Park with picnic supplies from La Fromagerie and The Ginger Pig in Marylebone

There are a few things in life I really enjoy and fine cheese, gardens, picnics, bicycle rides and sunny days top the list. One of my favourite ways to combine all of the above is to hoist myself onto my vintage BSA bicycle and ride to La Fromagerie, just off the High Street in Marylebone, where I can survey the best selection of cheese in the whole of the UK.
After tasting a few I might choose a tasty English Cheddar or perhaps a Double Gloucester, along with some bread, cured meats and a bunch of fragrant grapes. They sometimes sell strawberry scented grapes which taste as good as they sound! If that isn’t enough to fill my basket then I would head next door to The Ginger Pig butcher and buy a pork pie or maybe a terrine.
Laden with goodies, it’s time to head back towards Regent’s Park and into the inner circle, wheeling my bicycle through the ornate cast iron gates, the rose gardens and past the little Japanese garden island in the pond. I head to the fountain where I can lay my feast out under the shade of a tree. If it’s summer then the lawns will be carpeted in daisies, and the only thing to make this day more perfect is if the English weather complies and the sun shines brightly!
Photo courtesy of Savarese on Flickr